Our Products

At Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics, we only use high quality skin care products. Our students learn facial protocols using Rhonda Allison products; she has made a career of formulating fresh, all-natural cosmeceutical products and treatments. The three main brands that Spa SWINA offers our clientele are Hylunia, Rhonda Allison, and Elta. These companies strive to put highly effective products of the purest quality on the professional market. We put tremendous value in bringing our students and clients the very best products available in order to achieve maximum results, while protecting the body from harmful ingredients that so many other products contain. It only takes 26 seconds for toxic ingredients to seep through the skin, into the bloodstream, organs, and tissues. So when you make the decision to protect and nourish your face, you are consciously supporting the entire body.

Hylunia was created in 1988 when there were zero non-irritating products on the market. This company led the way in using hyaluronic acid in all of their products, while maintaining 100% toxic-free ingredient-integrity. (Hyaluronic acid is known for holding moisture.) Their skin care products have always been paraben free, sulfate free, gluten free, GMO free, cruelty free, and vegan.

“It has been my uncompromised commitment for the past 26 years to heal and to preserve your skin’s natural beauty, prevent damage, and minimize the negative effects of lifestyle, environment, and aging. I will continue to keep the same commitment into the future. Use our products with confidence and no fear.”
–Dr. Link, founder of Hylunia


Rhonda Allison has had a focus on result-driven skin care products for over 30 years. She is known world-wide for her research and innovative work with acids and chemical peels. Her products are free of dyes, artificial coloring and fragrances. Rhonda Allison Clinical Enterprises only sells to professional facilities and not directly to the consumer, because the more active formulas require professional guidance.

“There is a regimen [to transform the condition] of every skin type.”
— Rhonda Allison, Founder


EltaMD are known for medical grade wound healing and sunscreen products (as well as cleansers and moisturizers). These healing topicals are imperative for skin aftercare, following treatments such as a chemical peel or laser service. These products are also sensitivity free, fragrance free, and paraben free. Their sunscreens are formulated with transparent zinc oxide and are noncomedogenic (will not block pores).

“The use of medically accepted products in daily skin care can help solve and prevent a wide range of skin and wound problems.”
–Swiss-American Products, Inc., EltaMD manufacturer and marketer