Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

We make time to seek out and employ the highest caliber instructors and staff to oversee the educational and clinic components of our institute. The faculty and staff at SWINA represent an array of diversity in educational, entrepreneurial, and industry experience. Our collective experience includes spa directors, practiced licensed aestheticians, certified laser technicians, business owners and entrepreneurs, product line representatives, corporate spa trainers, life coaches, massage therapists, and the list goes on! As a result, we are passionate about delivering the most comprehensive education to our students while teaching industry-leading techniques.

KC Miller
Founder of Southwest Institute
of Natural Aesthetics

Admin Staff

Pam Brown
Campus Director

Dr Hooker

Dr Hooker
Medical Director

Jennifer Dubbs
Students Services Advisor

Shaila Rogers
Education Administrator
and Aesthetics Instructor


Jenny Garner
Student Services Advisor

Leach Lackland
Admissions Coach

Spa Coordinators

Issac Talavera

Jennifer Emperador

Rachel Layton


Dr Hooker

Dr. Laree Hooker
Medical Director


Leslie Venegas
Laser Dept. Manager & Laser Instructor

Sophia Lucero
Laser Instructor

Alison White
Laser Instructor

Emily Philhower
Aesthetics Instructor

Annie Fonnegra
Aesthetics Instructor

Carrie Klosowski
Aesthetics and Laser Instructor

Kat Thomas
Aesthetics Instructor

Erin Nesbit
Aesthetics Instructor

Robyn Runyan
Aesthetics Instructor

Krystal Crismon

Krystal Crismon
Aesthetics Instructor